Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Gateway to Salt Lake Valley: Emigration Canyon boasts rich history

On the morning of 21/7/1847, Erastus Snow and Orson Pratt their way about 4 ½ miles from what they call the Last Creek to the mouth of the canyon. Climbing to the top of the steep and dangerous "hill of the Donner Party struggled with the previous year, a glimpse of" a broad valley stretched out before us captive, "said Pratt. "We could not resist a cry of joy which almost involuntarily escaped from our lips the moment this great and beautiful landscape was in our eyes."
Meanwhile the main body of the pioneer wagons, which had spent the night in East Canyon, started at 6:30 pm on what would be one of the most difficult days of the trip. "Much time was spent necessarily cutting down tree stumps, heaving rocks and leveling the road. It is a very rough place," said William Clayton.
There would be another night in what is now called Emigration Canyon before the main body of the pioneers entered the Salt Lake Valley on July 22. The arrival of the last group, composed of an ailing Brigham Young and other sick passengers, on July 24 launched an official end to the 111-day journey that had the pioneers on the plains of the Wasatch Mountains and the Salt Lake Valley .
These last few days were very difficult. When she saw the mountains, the pioneers had traveled on the path carved by the Donner Party - by no means a highway, but at least somewhat passable. But as the Mormon pioneers came down in Emigration Canyon, they decided to cut their own way the mouth of the canyon.
It proved a wise decision, and that was the path followed by most of the thousands of pioneers, Forty-Niners and others who entered the valley until the arrival of the railroad in 1869.
These trips have given an honored place Emigration Canyon in Utah history. But Stan Fischler, President of the Emigration Canyon Historical Society indicates that only part of what is a rich and intriguing story of the canyon.
"For me, and others, is the most important and historic canyon of the 27 canyons on the eastern side of the valley," he says. Much of what happened in the early history of the valley has been hit by Emigration Canyon. Pioneers handcarts, the Pony Express, the Overland Stage, the telegraph, the Utah war - all came down through emigration. It was the site of a railway, mining, products, news and the beginning of recreation. It is even now a haven and a home for both outdoors enthusiasts and residents alike.
Not bad for a place described as "nine miles of road and 12,000 acres of the Canyon wilderness."
Fishler own association with the canyon began in 1929 when his parents a lot of Legrand Young, a nephew of Brigham Young purchased. "It was during the crisis years, and it took several years to pay, but they eventually built a summer house. I remember when Dad had an extra 50 cents or a dollar, he would lathes to buy for the walls of the house that we children would nail the 2x4s. It took years to complete, but we would go there in summer and roam the Mormon Trail and the surrounding mountains. "
Fishler left the canyon for 40 years, for a career as a professor of anthropology, community planner and United Way worker but when he stopped about 18 years ago, he began building a house across the lot once owned of his parents. He lived there ever since, although "I'm still working on the house."
He was chairman of the canyon for the historical society, published "The History of Emigration Canyon: Gateway to Salt Lake Valley" by Jeffrey and Cynthia Furse Carlström (Utah State University, 2003, now out-of-print, the book second edition is in the works). Society is also joining the Sons of the Pioneers to Utah monuments in the area.
"I just love this canyon," said Fischler. "There are so many things happened here that did not happen somewhere else."
Early use of the canyon dates from the pre-pioneer period, but without written records of past peoples, it is difficult to say how great it was used. Some suggest that arrowheads native tribes moved through the Salt Lake Valley may have wandered into the canyon.
Fur traders came through in the 1820s, and perhaps explore the canyon, looking for beavers and other wildlife.
The first emigrants were those of the Donner-Reed wagon train in 1846, the canyon and played an important role in their tragic story, says Fischler. "They did not think they could get through the canyon, so they went on over what is now called Donner Hill. Just go up, she took a whole day, and was another reason why they were late to the Sierras" he says. As the authors of the book notes, "Emigration Canyon has the dubious honor to help attach the adjective" unfortunate "to the Donner-Reed party."
As more and more travelers on the road came, was improved, and ultimately paved, of course. Yet it is now possible to drive on the road to East Canyon, look down and get a feel of what the canyon was like in those early days. It really helps you enjoy the pioneer effort, says Fischler. "It's a winding, devious canyon. Brigham Young spoke of crossing the river something like 13 times."
Daughters of Utah Pioneers marker notes the site of Brigham Young's last camp canyon and other attractions, so you can also get an impression of the trip, as well.
But for the pioneers, the canyon is much more than a road. Because of limited resources in the valley, the first settlers looked at these and other canyons of rock, wood, water and other resources.
Limestone was mined in the emigration, like red and white sandstone. The old library Salt Lake City (later Hansen Planetarium and now Tanner OC) is an example of a building made of white sandstone in Emigration Canyon.
Wood was cut and pulled out, a wooden mill was planned but never built. Other companies have come along, however. One of the most famous was the Wagener brewery at the mouth of the canyon consist 1865-1914.
In 1907 the Emigration Canyon Railroad built from sandstone, gravel, slate and limestone. It took a decade "to concrete came along, and the railroad went bust," said Fischler.
Herding was an old company in the canyon, which lasted from about 1870-1970, with major operations belonging to the families and Bertagnole Gilmore. Sometimes drives sheep blocked the road, and overgrazing problems arise.
Another famous canyon company was Ruth's Diner, which opened in 1949 when Ruth Evans, an old trams move the canyon and opened a cafe. The book offers this description: "Known for its strong abuse its customers, a vocabulary that would make a sailor blush, her flowered sundresses, an unfiltered cigarette constantly hanging out of her mouth, and the ever-present Chihuahuas, Ruth was a colorful canyon legend. "
Ruth is now gone, but the food remains. "She was a character," says Fischler. "My brother was a doctor. He diagnosed diabetes in dogs Ruth. Then he could do no wrong in her eyes."
Another dining, the Sun and Moon Cafe, is still in the upper canyon area.
Other recreational opportunities provided by a ballroom and the Pinecrest Inn, which operated in the upper canyon 1913-1949. Today, "we get tons of cyclists," said Fischler.
In 1971 Camp Kostopoulos established as a place where children with disabilities are just kids. "
Emigration Canyon was initially seen as a source of resources and a place to get away. But between 1869 and 1909, homesteaders moved into the canyon to continuing to make progress in the country. In the beginning they were mostly summer places, but somewhere around 1930, people started living in the canyon throughout the year.
Today, Emigration Township has a population of approximately 400 municipal and private. Annexation by the city was proposed but rejected by the residents. While the narrow gorge offers limited space, newer developments come along, especially the luxury division Emigration Oaks built by the Boyer Co.
From the very first, Emigration Canyon is important for our city, our state, Fischler said. "It's an interesting place to live and attracts people from all walks of life. But everyone can enjoy the history and beauty. It is so close and yet so far away from Salt Lake Valley."


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